There is nothing more peaceful for me than the thought of clothes hanging on the line, watching the chickens peck the ground, listening to the kids laughing when the cow swishes her tail in their faces, and smelling a fresh baked cobbler hand made with the blackberries you grew yourself along with the milk and eggs you collected that morning. That is a homesteaders dream. Let me tell you, it is a real thing that actually does happen. I've experienced this bliss many times, but on the other hand, there has been many days leading up to this moment that....
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My mother began wearing clock and/or key pendants and bracelets when she was in her mid forties. It was a strange thing for me to grasp.....woman who suddenly traded in her numerous broaches and pendants for small scale home decor and housewares on her neck.
She asked me what I think of when I hear the word "clock"...
My mother said to me:
"I have lived a life rising.... The key to a meaningful life ....The clock pendent is my reminder that...
It gave me chills. Her explanation of a silly clock pendant and a key had a power over me that I can not put into words. It opened my eyes and changed my life.
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Real soap. It is a thing we all have thought we have been using this whole time. Why does the store soap cost so much less than hand made natural soap? Prepared to have your eyes opened.
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We all have an arsenal of cleaners under our kitchen sink, laundry room, and as well as a bathroom full of skin care items. We are spending a small fortune to keep a stock of all the supplies we are told that we need. Is there a better, safer, and cheaper way? How did they do it in the old days when they didn't have access to all the cleaners and soaps we do? This article dips into some scary stuff, so be prepared!
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Are your essential oils actually pure oils? Have you ever wondered how many different ways can you use essential oils? What about how to protect yourself from those information sharers out there who put posts out there that are actually filled with false and potentially dangerous information, not because they mean to hurt people, but because they honestly just lack the needed oil education, don't know any better, and think they are truly helping others. Well friends, I recommend you read this short post that is jam packed with the main information you need when you begin using your oils. Enjoy!
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It's a question we all ask ourselves from time to time. Why am I doing this? How did I get here? What can I do to make it better? When will it get easier? Anyone else ever think that??
There has been many nights I get our kids in bed, and while waiting for my husband to get home I take a look around and feel like I am sinking into a pile of sand.....
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Are you on the fence about making the switch? Maybe you really want to switch but just can't afford it right now. Well friend, I've been there done that! Everyone knows that natural living is more healthy, but my goodness it typically costs you a small fortune during the initial switch. Good news is that I have found an EASY SOLUTION to fix that problem.
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