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Rustique Essentials- living naturally and providing natural, chemical and preservative free products at an affordable price!

Tallow Moisturizer


Tallow Moisturizer

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Tallow Moisturizer


This rich moisturizer is packed full of skin loving natural ingredients such as tallow, almond oil, coconut oil, and beeswax. Scented with essential oils or high quality paraben/sulfate free fragrance oils.

To use, with clean hands, scoop out a small amount and apply directly to skin in circular motions. A little goes a long way.

*may stain certain fabrics

Comes in a 4 oz amber glass jar.

*Our tallow moisturizer is blended with rendered tallow, not refined tallow. We do not over process ours because during the refinement process many of the the vitamins, minerals, and the natural healing abilities are discarded to produce a product with no smell. The refinement process is a similar process to making vegetable stock as far as the liquid goes. You take rendered tallow, add water, add salt (or baking soda), and you cook the “impurities out” allowing the salt to pull everything the fat has in it out, settle to the bottom in the water, and your left with a layer of refined tallow on the top and a salt water discard on the bottom. This process is done multiple times to refine tallow. When making vegetable stock you save the water and discard the solids (veggies after you boil them down) as the nutrients cook out of the solids and infuse into the water… which gets discarded in the refinement process with tallow. We choose to keep all the good stuff in ours, so we understand we may not be the best fit for all.

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