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Rustique Essentials- living naturally and providing natural, chemical and preservative free products at an affordable price!


5 small changes to start NOW to save you big $$

ayla whitehead

Right at this very moment writing this, we are in what seems like an endless Covid-19 quarantine. I completely understand why it is so very important and MUST be done, BUT, I (like so many other Americans) just want to go back to work. I want my paycheck back. I want to know that there will be enough money in the bank to pay for our monthly bills, groceries, gas, etc…and without a paycheck all the certainty just flies out the window. Government help doesn’t come fast enough and it seems like everything is out of our control. It is a hard time right now, BUT I have good news…

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The $5 Golden Savings Rule Challenge- I challenge you!

ayla whitehead

Ok, so I have to tell you a secret I learned from a couple at one of the farmers markets I attend. This couple always comes and pays in cash. One of the times they came I was out of $10’s in my change box and asked them if it was alright if I gave them back their change in $5’s. The wife was very excited and said, “Yes! We are always happy to see $5’s”. I was very confused and asked them what the significance of a $5 was. What she said was a game changer.

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Different Types of "Handmade" Soap- know BEFORE you buy!

ayla whitehead

We all have seen those beautifully packaged bars of soap at the markets and online. We have even purchased a beautiful bar and been very disappointed in the way it left our skin! Hand-made soap is supposed to be skin-loving, rich, creamy, and super moisturizing. This post explains WHY some “handmade” bars are amazing and some “handmade” bars are just not. Before you waste your money ASK THESE QUESTIONS!

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The beauty of vinegar

ayla whitehead

Vinegar is a beautiful thing! It is cheap, it is natural, it has some kick-but cleaning capabilities, and it is easy enough to work with that any adult can figure out how to use this stuff for green cleaning. Check this out for awesome ideas for vinegar infusions, green cleaning recipes, and so much more!

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Are soap nuts right for you?

ayla whitehead

What are soap nuts? How do you use them? Why would you switch?

All of these great questions are answered in this quick post that is full of all the stuff you need to know about this natural laundry option!

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