If you are going to your first vendor event (or are still relatively new and have not learned all the lessons the hard way already) READ THIS BEFORE YOU GO! Trust me.
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Everything you want to know- good, bad, safety, and dangers- about all the different kinds of diffusers. Find out which one is our favorite to use safely with kids and pets!
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Yes there is such a thing! Turns out, big companies include drying agents such as fragrance, camphor, menthol, or salicylic acid in their lip products so that there is a higher demand for their products. They also include heavy ingredients that do not allow the lips to breathe such as petroleum. Your skin begins to feel like it needs the chapstick to be comfortable. The more you apply, the faster your tube run out, the more often you purchase their product. But don't worry, there is a cure! (and it's more simple than you could have ever imagined!)
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So many people try natural deodorant and quit after a few days because it "doesn't work for them". I am here to say hang in there! Read on to understand how natural deodorant works vs store bought chemically loaded deodorant and what you can do to make it go smoother.
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Here are some easy tips and tricks to make winter time chicken farming (large or small) so much easier on both you and your girls!
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Now, most DIY people out there know the very best way to give a room any complete face lift for cheap is to paint it. We have literally painted hundreds of things over the years and there are five things that I wished that I would NEVER EVER have painted. Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes!
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For all of you out there who grew up like me in box food homes, I have created this post that is full of super easy made from scratch dishes that only call for THREE INGREDIENTS PER RECIPE! Well, except the last one...it has four, but its sooo worth trying! My six year old twin boys LOVED doing number 5!
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Now you've heard the saying "grandma knows best" right? Well, maybe that is true mostly, but not this time. I found a better way that gives you the same puree result that only takes three easy steps and takes less 4 minutes of physical work per pumpkin. Ok, are you ready for this amazingness?!?!
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Herbalist. Raise your hand if you have ever applied Aloe to a sun burn or gargled salt water for a sore throat? What about drinking hot tea with honey and lemon to help break up congestion/cough or eating a peppermint to ease stomach discomfort? How about using lavender scented products before bed to help with sleep?
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